COME ON DOWN! The behind-the-scenes scoop on how to be a gameshow contestant

This article is part of the ‘RUHS Featured Family’ segment. Please share your stories with us at

To date, I’ve been on eight different gameshows, including Family Feud and Supermarket Sweep, and have had an amazing time.
— Lesley Anne Bellows

By Lesley Anne Bellows, Marketing, Media and Communications Coordinator

When my sister asked me if I wanted to go audition for Family Feud, I laughed. I mean…I guess I’ll go right? I worked nights as a server, so it was no big deal for me to drive to Burbank with my family on a Thursday morning and audition for a chance to win some cash (though, as a family of self-proclaimed skeptics, we didn’t get our hopes up). One week later, we were scheduled to film. Two weeks after that, our family had won $20,000.

As news spread to our family and friends, there was one big question that was continuously repeated: How did you get on that show? I’m here to tell you, for most gameshows, it’s not that difficult.

Now, there are a handful of nationally televised gameshows that are harder to get selected for, like Jeopardy, which requires that you test your skills before they audition you for the screen, and Wheel of Fortune, which has lottery-style auditions due to demand. However, there are many gameshows that you can participate in that only require you to be an adult, and available to give up a full day to film your episode.

To date, I’ve been on eight different gameshows, including Family Feud and Supermarket Sweep, and have had an amazing time. If you’re interested in possibly being a contestant, here are some tips that I would suggest:

1. Start with The Price is Right – This gameshow staple is so easy to attend, and a lot of fun even if you don’t get selected. You can request free tickets on the website, grab some friends, or colleagues from RUHS, and head down for one day of filming! The experience will give you a chance to see what goes on during filming, which may calm your nerves if you want to try out for other shows. Hint: you will be given a few seconds to talk about yourself so have something FUN to say beyond your name and where you’re from. I said, “I’m a newlywed and I could really use a new living room set!”

2. You are auditioning for the role of “Gameshow Contestant” – At the end of the day, the person in charge of picking the contestants has a job to do. They are selecting a variety of people to have a chance at winning prizes. They want the people at home watching to enjoy the people who they see, so that they cheer for them if they win. What is relatable about you that you can quickly share that will make you more than a first name? Do you have a lot of children? Did you just move to the state? Do you have a strange hobby or collection?

If you were picking a contestant from the following two people, who would you choose?

  • Audition #1: HI! I’m Debra and I have six children. I just moved here from Alaska and this is my first time seeing a big production like this!!

  • Audition  #2: I’m Bob. I’m 32.

See what I mean? Debra moves on to the next round and Bob goes home because he kept his fabulous personality under wraps. This is not the time to be humble and quiet. Smile and shine!

3. Learn the game – So many times I’ve seen people show up and not know how to play the game they’re auditioning to be on. You’re not expected to be perfect…in fact, some of the best television comes from people making mistakes, but you can’t show up to audition and expect them to teach you how to play. Watch a few episodes on YouTube before you go and make sure you’re ready to answer they way they need you to.

Finally, it’s a cliché because it’s true…HAVE FUN! Even if you don’t take home the grand prize, you still might get some consolation prizes and above all, you’ll have a unique experience. Once, as a “loser,” we still took home thousands of dollars in prizes, including an entertainment center, three large scooters and a $500 gift card to Blockbuster Video (which was pretty cool in 2002).

When I look back at my experiences, it’s no surprise that I ended up in marketing and public relations for Riverside University Health System. The best part of my role is the helping to tell our staff stories to the community whether it’s advertising our services to the region, posting about awards on social media or sharing a specific physician’s story in an editorial feature. Every one of us is moving through each day with our own celebrations and challenges and cheering one another on can create a lot of joy, whether you’re rooting for someone on a gameshow, or the person in the cubicle next to you.

If any of you want to carpool for The Price is Right…let me know. 😊

Watch Lesley on “Shop til you Drop!”


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