Project Firstline and TeamSTEPPS

Through the American Hospital Association (AHA) and Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) Health Systems Infection Prevention & Control Training Collaborative contract, RUHS – Medical Center had the opportunity to field test Project Firstline and TeamSTEPPS educational resources throughout the organization.

Educational resources implemented throughout the seven-month period included infographic posters, updated Moodle trainings on hand hygiene and multi-drug resistant organisms, TeamSTEPPS Essentials Training courses, the Pathogen Match-Up tool at Skills Day, a video series on hand hygiene, and more!

 A thank you is owed to our leadership support from Tammy Lowe and Dr. Thompson, including support from our pilot units and department collaborators which included 3500, 4100, Adult Critical Care, Agency Education, Environmental Services, Food and Nutrition Services, Rehabilitation Services, and Respiratory Therapy.

For more resources on Project Firstline, visit For more resources on TeamSTEPPS, visit  


Doctors’ Day - March 30


Catch the Clover! Final Week!